Tax-Efficient Retirement Planning

Ideal for clients who are near or in retirement. Evaluation of retirement readiness and portfolio distribution strategies to provide tax-efficient retirement income.

Retirement planning is offered in conjunction with a comprehensive financial plan.

What to expect:

Introductory Meeting:

  • 30 minute meeting to determine if we are a good fit to work together.
  • Overview of client’s current financial situation, goals and values.
  • Review of financial planning services and process.
  • Address any questions about services offered.
  • Additional meeting for a demonstration of financial planning process is offered.

On-Boarding Meetings:

  • 60 minute meetings, virtual or in-person if local.
  • Typically one to three meetings to establish base plan for financial planning work.
  • Determination of client’s goals, values, and risk tolerance.
  • Review of recommendations, areas of opportunity and areas of concern.
  • Written, detailed outline of meeting discussion and to-do items provided.

Financial Planning Meetings:

  • 60 minute meeting, virtual or in-person if local.
  • Review progress to date.
  • Update client’s goals.
  • Make adjustments to the financial plan, goals, or investment portfolio as needed
  • Model unlimited What-If scenarios to see the impact on financial plan for potential changes to the plan.
  • Review of recommendations, areas of opportunity and areas of concern.
  • Written, detailed outline of meeting discussion and to-do items provided.

Ongoing Communication:

  • Unlimited email and calls for accountability, guidance, or updates as needed.
  • Planning meetings scheduled as often as needed.
  • Ongoing correspondence from AFP on relevant financial topics.
  • Unlimited access to client portal, including performance reporting, personal financial reports, and the ability to see effects of different scenarios on financial plan.
  • Financial accounts are securely linked in the financial planning software which enables continuous updates to financial data and reports.


  • Fee includes all comprehensive financial planning services.
  • Investment management fees for assets which are directly managed are 0.75% of assets under management.

More Services: 

Financial Quick Start Plan

Portfolio Review

Comprehensive Financial Plan

Comprehensive Financial Planning 

Investment Management

Investment Management